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23. Veganska večerj(ic)a

Veganske večerj(ic)e 12.03.2011. 07:39

Za živali! in Pekarna - magdalenske mreže vas v četrtek, 17. 3. 2011, ob 20h vabita v dvorano Gustaf (Kulturni center Pekarna, Ob železnici 8, Maribor) na Vegansko večerj(ic)o.

Tokrat si bomo ogledali dokumentarni film Vegan Society z naslovom Making the connection, ki nam bo predstavil osem posameznikov in njihove odločitve za veganstvo. Film je v angleškem jeziku.

On Thursday March 17th 2011 at 20h Za živali! and Pekarna-magdalenske mreže are inviting you to Vegan dinner. We will watch Vegan Society's documentary film Making the connection, in which eight individuals will explain why did they decide to become vegan. The film is in English language.